Call to Action – State Level
Annually The Arc of Iowa compiles legislative priorities as a leader in advocacy for people with disabilities. These mission based priorities focus on the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and come from you.
We would like to hear from you regarding any state level issue or concern that need to be addressed. Please contact The Arc of Iowa or The Arc of Story County to share your thoughts and get involved.
The Arc was founded on grassroots advocacy and involvement of families. Your elected officials need to hear from you on the issues that matter to you the most. If you need help knowing who to contact or how to contact them please check out a link to our national site by clicking on the take action button:

Legislative Bill Tracker
Knowing what is going on at the Iowa State Capital can be very challenging. It is hard to be a strong advocate in the legislative session unless you know what is going on. We want to help and connect you with a great tool provided by IDAction. With the assistance of Campbell and Patterson Lobbying and Public Policy Firm IDAction has made it easier to follow the bills important to us as disability advocates in Iowa. During the legislative session click on the “Bill Tracker” button below to track the action on capital hill updated by Campbell and Patterson (be sure you have selected InfoNet under client.)