Best Buddies is partnership between the Iowa State Best Buddies Club and individuals with disabilities in Ames and Story County. Iowa State University students are “buddies” with individuals with disability for an entire school year doing things together, attending and organizing events, and just “being buddies.”
Best Buddies is a National organization. The Iowa State University Chapter is a member of Best Buddies Iowa. Friendships are formed that last beyond a single school year.
Best Buddies friendship connections must be made at the beginning of the Iowa State University school year. You must notify The Arc by early September if you would like to participate, as well as turn in all registration forms. Best Buddies is a separate non-profit The Arc helps in facilitation of the Buddy matches.
If you would like to participate, please return the following Best Buddies Membership Application packet to The Arc of Story County. A new packet must be filled out every year!