Active LifeStyles is a program that provides social and recreational events, encouraging persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities to become more involved with their peers and the community. The Arc supports Active LifeStyles because it provides healthy living choices while encouraging participants to be involved with, and in, the community.
Many of the Active LifeStyles programs coincide with the Special Olympics calendar and culminate with the Special Olympics district and state competition. Active LifeStyles is a safe place to increase friendships and develop skills that can increase community participation and inclusion. Through the involvement in the Active LifeStyles program, we hope that all participants feel empowered to go into the community with high expectations of succeeding in every aspect they choose, whether it be participating in sports leagues, fitness classes, or other social opportunities.

Who Can Join?
The Active LifeStyles program welcomes participants of various ages. We have a wide age range of athletes, but that does not discourage our players from acting and playing like a team.
Special Olympics does have an age requirement of at least 8 years old. For those who are younger, there are separate opportunities and events in which to get involved.
Sports and Activities
Each month we have new activities. The Special Olympics sports we offer are: bowling, volleyball, golf, flag football, basketball, basketball skills, cheerleading, track & field, bocce, swimming, soccer, soccer skills, softball, and softball skills.
Social dances are a great way to have a fun night out. We host several dances each year with a great atmosphere to dance the night away. If you are registered with Active LifeStyles, invitations are sent to you, along with e-mails to remind you of the event.
If you want to see what is going on this month or any upcoming dates, click here for the events calendar.
Active LifeStyles is always looking for volunteers to help. You can be a coach, help with practices, or even help us at social events. There are many rewarding options available. If you would like to help in some way but are not sure how, or have a specific volunteer idea in mind, click here to find out more and contact us.
If you are interested in volunteering at Special Olympics Iowa, visit the Registration Section under Active Lifestyles. If you are interested in other volunteer activities, visit Volunteer Opportunities.
“We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.”–Winston Churchill