Through the support of The United Way of Story County, Story County, and the City of Ames The Arc is able to provide supplemental respite funding for families that need respite services.
This financial support provided by The Arc allows the family to select their own provider. Families accessing this funding support may be receiving waiver services, be on a waiting list for waiver services or maybe have not even applied for funding or services.
Families must be the primary care provider for the individual living in their home. The individual does not have to be a child but must be living at home as long as the person applying is the primary care provider. All eligible must have proof of intellectual or developmental disability to access funds. Often families access these respite funds on an emergency basis when their regular funding for respite has run out or is not accessible.
This funding is not an entitlement program. There is limited funding available for each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) and when the funds are gone The Arc is not able to access additional funding.
Please contact The Arc about respite funding if it is need by your family or you would like to discuss it further.